Sundays | 9am + 11am

What makes Harvest vertical, biblical, and missional? Join us for our new Bible teaching series to learn more about our church’s foundational beliefs and how you can join the mission.

student ministry

sundays | 6:30 - 8:30pm

Students in grades 6-12 are invited to gather with the Harvest Fremont Student Ministry for these nights of fun, worship, and age-specific teaching from God’s Word. Don’t let your teen live in isolation — get them connected to biblical community this winter!

Harvest 20’s

tuesdays, | 6:30-8:30pm

If Harvest is your home church, you are invited to join the 20s Discipleship Groups. D-groups will meet from fall through spring to apply biblical teaching, to encourage and challenge one another, and to join in accountability. If you are a college student, young professional, dating, single, or engaged, this ministry is for you. Join others in your same stage of life desiring to bring Jesus glory in every decision.

Party with the pastors

Sunday, march 30 | 1-2:30pm

If you haven’t already attended a Party with the Pastors, we want to meet you!

Join the staff, spouses and a few other church families for a light lunch at this informal party after the Sunday services - expect to be encouraged and challenged as you hear about who we are, our history, priorities, and vision.

Childcare available for children under 4.

Easter at harvest

Good friday 6pm | Easter services saturday 5pM, sunday 9am & 11am

Worship with us this April for Easter at Harvest! Join us starting on Friday, April 18 from 6-7pm for our Good Friday service and then on Saturday at 5pm or Sunday at either 9am or 11am for Easter Worship.